Monday, February 7, 2011

About me.

My name is Rodolfo Maxil.  I work with different types of media. I graduated from Kingsborough community college as a graphic designer. And then I transfer to Hunter College and planning on majoring in Media. I also enjoy working with photography and video a lot. So much that I have my own equipment at home. Making videos and combining them with graphics and photographs are my favorite thing to do. I work with Adobe Master’s Collection cs5. And the applications I use the most are Photoshop, Illustraitor, After Effect, Premiere Pro, Soundbooth and Encore. The works I do in my computer are simple but effective and that’s because I put my heart into it.  And every now and then I get the ideas from the dreams I had the same day. Sometimes one of the things I do is to put a notebook right next to my bed, just in case I have a very good dream or a very scary nightmare. I write it down before I forget and then try to recreate it. I also travel a lot  in the train and there are times that I see people doing different things. Sometimes I even think of a whole story to write while am in the train. I see people begging for food and others stealing, other people laugh while others cry. Sometimes I see 3 Mexican guys with different instruments. 2 of them play an acoustic guitar and the other plays the accordion and at the same time singing his heart out. He tells the story of his life and the reason why he is here. Which is technically about the same story for a lot of Mexicans, they come here to give their families a better life. In mexico they call those songs “Corridos” and that’s because most of the times they are real stories that happened to other people or sometimes they come from personal experience. These people remind me of the days I lived in mexico. And the promises I made to my grandma and grandpa when they were alive. And that’s what keeps me going. I can frankly say that the subway inspires me a lot because it gives me a lot of good ideas and good memories…..


  1. It is a great habit to jot down those ideas that you have at the moment. I wish I could do that... Looking forward to see some of your awesome work!

  2. I second what Danielle said. I had a teacher who said he got a lot of ideas while swimming laps. He keeps a journal next to the pool in a plastic bag, and stops swimming to jot things down.

    I hope you make a doc about subway musicians who play corridos -- I would pay to see that!

  3. Thats a good idea to put a notebook next to your beds, dreams can be crazy, but they leave the mind quickly! Have you made stories or pictures out of dreams you have had?

  4. interesting how people can be drawn to the same themes for different reasons, the decay of the subway features largely in my art and thinking.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. that’s very interesting because i keep my iPhone under my pillow to jot down any ideas i get while laying down and also to help me wake up in the morning.

  7. I do the same thing...I watch people and try to think up stories about their lives and the kind of people they are...I spent some time traveling throughout Mexico and I loved everything; the people, the music, the food, the art. The trip changed my whole perspective on life.
